Adult Social Care - Drop In Advice Hub

Booking information


This activity is part of the programme.

There are free places on offer for eligible people. Book here now
Up to people


Let's Talk Local Hub

This is a drop in event, and there is no need to register to attend.

Residents can drop in to our Let's Talk Local Hubs to get free advice, information, and guidance about:

  • Adult Social Care services
  • local community groups and support networks
  • options available in South Tyneside to help you stay connected and supported
  • support for carers who need guidance or help balancing their caring role

To find out more, or about our other options to meet with you visit our website at or call Let's Talk on 0191 424 6000.

Where's this event hosted?


Cleadon Park Library, Cleadon Park Primary Care Centre, 10 Prince Edward Rd, South Shields, NE34 8PS

Where it's happening:

Cleadon Park Library