Ocean Road Centre- A day out in Durham for young men aged 13-15 years.

Booking information


This activity is part of the programme.

There are free places on offer for eligible people. Book here now
Up to 15 people

You can attend if all of these apply:

  • Your age is between 13 and 15
  • Your gender is "Male"


Our lads' group is going on a day trip to Durham, where we'll be visiting various sites, including the famous Durham Cathedral. We'll be exploring all day, involving a lot of walking. Please ensure you wear comfortable, sturdy footwear and bring a waterproof jacket. Don't forget to pack a lunch! This is for young men aged 13-15 years old.

Where's this event hosted?


Ocean Road Youth Centre , Ocean Road South Shields, NE33 2DW

Where it's happening:

Ocean Road Youth Centre