Start 2 Finish Sports Camp - Jarrow - Dunn Street Primary. Ages 5-14 years

Booking information


This activity is part of the programme.

There are free places on offer for eligible people. Book here now
Up to 30 people

You can attend if:

  • Your age is between 5 and 14


Easter Sports Camp - Dunn Street Primary School.

Children aged 5-14 years will have a great day, meeting new friends, learning new skills and enjoying a variety of Sports, Games and Activities.

All children will receive a free gift on their first day of attendance, and they will be offered a free lunch each day. Including a range of wraps, crisps, snack bar and fruit.

Where's this event hosted?


Dunn Street Primary School, Minster Parade, Jarrow, NE32 3QH

Where it's happening:

Dunn Street Primary School