St Mary's Easter Playscheme 2025

Booking information


This activity is part of the programme.

There are free places on offer for eligible people. Book here now
Up to 12 people

You can attend if:

  • Your 14E0WSzMqIbFUaFDmhqU is "Yes"


Welcome to St Mary's HAF Programme

At St Mary's Playscheme, we offer a range of activities, including arts & crafts, sports hall activities, local trips, outdoor play, and much more. For children ages 6-11 years old.

We will provide a nutritious & delicious lunch. Milk and fruits will also be available throughout the day. Please advise us of any allergies or dietary requirements that your child may have.


  • Places are free if you are eligible for the HAF Programme and are expected to attend all the sessions you book.
  • Please do not reserve any days you are unsure of, as this blocks an opportunity for another family to book. Spaces are limited.
  • If you do not show up to your booked sessions without reason, we have the right to cancel any other booking you have or decline any future bookings.
  • A Late Fee will be applied if you are late to collect your child.


HAF Hours - 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Non HAF Hours - 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Extended AM:

  • 8:30 am - 9:00 am £4

Extended PM:

  • 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm £10

Where's this event hosted?


St Mary Islington Neighbourhood centre, Upper St, London, N1 2TX

Where it's happening:

St Mary Islington Neighbourhood centre