Pinewood Excursion - Bridlington to Brandsburton

Booking information


This activity is part of the programme.

There are free places on offer for eligible people. Book here now
Up to 10 people


Pinewood Activity Centre is based in Brandsbuton.

DIY SOS built this Centre, which offers a great outdoor space to encourage children and young people to explore, 'Play Out' in a safe outdoor activity centre, amongst the peaceful countryside.

Our Trip here will consist of:

9.30am - Meet at The Hinge Centre, @ The Crown Community Centre, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4HY

9.45am - We will go on a minibus to Pinewood Activity Centre

10.15am - 2.30pm - We will spend time exploring, undertaking nature trails, crafting, outdoor games and children will be able to play on the huge climbing frame. Children will get the chance to make their own pizzas for their lunch and we will cook them on the pizza oven. Followed by fruit and warm cookies.

2.30pm - We will leave Pinewood for our minibus trip home.

3pm - Collection from The Hinge Centre, @ The Crown Community Centre, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4HY

Food, drinks and all materials for the activities are fully included in the trip.

Where's this event hosted?


Pinewood Activity Centre, Hempholme Lane, YO25 8QS

Where it's happening:

Pinewood Activity Centre