EPIC Health Programme
Children and Families Forum Meeting
Location: Ann Tayler Children and Family Hub
Meeting Objectives
- Address the disproportionate rates of school exclusion among young people of African and Caribbean heritage.
- Explore the impact of school exclusions on young people's health and wellbeing.
- Review and redesign of Young Hackney Health and Wellbeing Services
- Share update on: Improving equity in Children & Young People mental health
- Understand the role of Parent Governors.
Confirmed Speakers
- Aku Adjei – Perm Inc CIC
- Janet Collins - The Crib
- Aretha Aggrey - Health Spot City and Hackney
- Rhyania (Rhy) Blackett-Codrington - BetaMinds
- Chanelle Paul - Parent Governor
- Anna Garner, City & Hackney Population Hub
- Liz Messenger, Hackney & City Public Health Team
If you have any questions about this forum or are interested in attending this meeting, please contact jahada@hcvs.org.uk.