Leading Action for Healthy Rivers

Booking information


Up to 20 people


Please only register your place if you can commit to attending both dates:


Thursday 10th April

Thursday 17th April

The Leading Action for Healthy Rivers is Thames21's flagship course, empowering you to take affirmative independent action by setting up your own River Action Group (RAG) or contributing to an already established group in a more proactive role.

If you want to help improve the health of the Thames and its tributaries, we'd love to work with you.

Free accreditation: Thames21 is a nationally recognised NCFE Customised Qualification Centre.

This course spans two full days of in-person training, with an additional opportunity to attend a Thames21 event at a later date of your choice, allowing you to observe leadership in action.

This training is classroom based to help you learn what it takes run river improvement events in the real world.

It includes in-person tuition, a practical handbook, supplementary resources, coursework to support your event, and comprehensive leadership development, culminating in accreditation.

Please only register your place if you can commit to attending both dates.


  • Thursday 10th April
  • Thursday 17th April

Time: 10am - 4pm

Location: TBC (The City of London)

Session 1 – Thursday 10th April

You will learn about the challenges faced by urban rivers and be able to identify what proactive steps you can take to assist in the recovery and improvements of these habitats.

Session 2 – Thursday 17th April

We will look at leadership responsibilities and build confidence by focusing on the importance of good health and safety requirements when working in and near water. We will also cover promoting your event and talk about how to motivate individuals to come together and achieve common goals as a group.

Session 3 – Thames21 volunteering event of your choosing:

You will be required to attend a Thames21 event at a later date to observe good leadership and health and safety practices in person. This will be followed by completion of two evaluations to assess your learning.

This NCFE accredited course provides everything you need to plan and run safe, effective and enjoyable community and volunteer waterway improvements, from litter picks, citizen science, community events and river restoration works.


Find out everything you need to know to safely lead groups of volunteers to improve our waterways. Topics will include Risk Assessments, Leadership Skills, Event Planning, and Volunteer Coordination.

Leading-Action-for-Healthy-Rivers_course-overview-from-Training-Pack-2020.pdf (thames21.org.uk)

Leading Action for Healthy Rivers is much more than picking up litter

Independent citizen-led initiatives are essential to increasing the resilience of and protecting our rivers. We cannot wait for authorities or government agencies to take the necessary action on our rivers, and after accreditation, you will be part of a growing number of citizen scientists, activists and community groups making a real difference to their environment.

After accreditation, and gaining 'badged status', any community event that you run will be covered by Thames21’s public liability insurance, providing legal protection and peace of mind for yourself and any volunteers taking part.

This course also provides a pathway to register as a Thames21 Event Support Contractor (ESC): a freelance role, assisting Thames21’s diverse and expanding work. ESC’s are paid above the London living wage and are vital to Thames21’s work. Working for Thames21 as an ESC provides valuable, hands-on leadership skills, and experience for those wishing to gain employment in the conservation or charity sector.



  • Free to individuals who have been volunteering with Thames21 projects or wish to establish their own River Action Group.
  • Leading Action for Healthy Rivers is always oversubscribed. Places are offered through a mixture of early responders as well as individuals who can show their commitment in completing the course.

If you have any further questions, please contact Training Officer Edwin Quast via email edwin.quast@thames21.org.uk or call/text 07739 627 665.

Please note: You do not have to use your Facebook or Google account to register your interest on this course. You can instead type in your email address in the box provided.

Where's this event hosted?


Walbrook Wharf, 78-83 Upper Thames Street, EC4R 3TD

Where it's happening:

Walbrook Wharf