Ecology Film Club: Rivercide

Booking information

£6.00 / person per session

Up to 60 people


Dir. Franny Armstrong | 2021 | U | 1h

Screening followed by a talk on the state of London’s rivers

by London Waterkeeper Theo Thomas.

The documentary, presented by environmentalist George Monbiot, investigates the impacts of pollution on British rivers. In 60 action-packed minutes, this fascinating and disturbing investigative documentary attempts to find out who is polluting our rivers and why we’re not stopping them.

“Our rivers should be beautiful, complex ecosystems... But on our watch, they’ve become open sewers, poisoned by sewage and farm slurry. They’re dying before our eyes.”

Theo Thomas, a former BBC news journalist, has been one of the most outspoken and independent voices for London’s rivers for nearly two decades, first as the London Canalkeeper and, since 2014, as the London Waterkeeper. He is leading the campaign for more effective water management, and advocating for more coordinated planning of green infrastructure through the use of plantings and porous surfaces to slow down the torrents of polluted stormwater runoff — one of the greatest threats to London’s waterways, and made worse by climate change — that flow into London’s sewers and, ultimately, its rivers.

Where's this event hosted?


Cody Dock, 11c South Crescent, E16 4TL

Where it's happening:

Cody Dock