Autism Awareness Training

Run by Young K&C

Booking information


Up to 25 people


A training session on 'what is autism' which outlines specific characteristics such as sensory sensitivity, communication, meltdowns/shutdowns, etc. The training is paired with practical examples shared by the trainers own life experiences, which makes the training relevant and relatable.  


The training will also include recommendations on how to draft marketing materials such as wording/language, colour scheme, appropriate content etc. as well as what reasonable adjustments to consider. 


Following the two hour training, there will be 30 minutes allocated to answer specific questions, followed by lunch.


The aim of the training is to increase the awareness and understanding of autism and specific adjustments that can easily be implemented within the activities charities offer.


The goal is to reduce isolation and increase the engagement of autistic adults/young people without a learning disability into activities in their local community which are supportive of their needs, inclusive and accessible.

Lunch will be provided.

This session will be facilitated by The Autism Hub.

Where's this event hosted?


Lancaster Youth Hub, 128a Lancaster Road, W11 1QS

Where it's happening:

Lancaster Youth Hub