29 March - Is an all day baking day! NOW FULLY BOOKED
11-12.30 - Butter making
Come in the morning and make fresh butter from scratch! Forage fresh herbs to make herbs butter for garlic bread cooked in the pizza over!
If you would like to stay for our pizza community lunch, please bring a topping (cheese, vegetables, salad - no meat please). We will make fresh dough and the passata tomato topping. We can only cater for you and your family, if you have registered.
12-3.30pm Community Pizza - all day. NOW FULLY BOOKED
5 April - Eid celebration and Garden Plant sale! Lots to celebrate in the garden this week!
All day
12 April - Crafts, collage and sewing - Hands on Heart bunting is back with Linda, Maia and Helen
19 April - Easter time is all about chocolate! Lets paint eggs, have an Easter hunt and make chocolate with Linda and Maia !
About your visit - sessions run from
Morning 11-12.30
Afternoon 1.30pm -3pm unless stated "all day". All activities are free, unless stated.
Open to all ages (ideally between age of 6- 80 - we can make adjustments for younger / older participants)
Please feel free to drop by, bring a picnic lunch, use the Play Area, Mud Kitchen, Reading Room (by the Cob Castle) - bring old books to share, or take a book to read! If Fam Sat isnt the best thing to do on Saturday - please let us know how we can make that the best outdoor / indoor place for all the family to be in London!
See you soon!
Linda and the Fam Sat Team
Ps Did you know we now have a plant sale at the Story Garden on the 1st Saturday of every month?
Story Garden, Ossulston St, London, Nw1 1DF
Where it's happening:
Story Garden