Hidden voices in health - Green space for health and well-being

Booking information


Up to 30 people


Hidden voices in health - Green space for health and wellbeing

Tuesday 11 February / 1.30 to 3.00pm / The Greenhouse 244 -254 Cambridge Heath Road London E2 9DA


Join us at THCVS for a 'Hidden voices in health' session on 'Green space for health and well-being'.

Find out more about creating a restorative borough where streets, parks and public spaces feel welcoming, support health and well-being, and increase biodiversity. 

In 2023 London Borough of Tower Hamlets became one of the first boroughs in the UK to include a Gender Inclusive Design Policy in its local plan. The evidence for this policy included research with over 500 women and girls in the borough. This research showed that shaping places through a gender lens can help us design inclusive, healthy, child friendly, climate resilient places that are socially and economically prosperous. LBTH collaborated with geographers from Queen Mary University of London and a team of community researchers to produce design guidance that provides a road map to implementing gender inclusive design.


The session will introduce the gender inclusive design guidance and provide practical steps to implement it to support health and well-being in Tower Hamlets. We will also introduce a funding opportunity for four community-led projects in Tower Hamlets to implement the gender design guidance in their work (£1K, deadline March, projects April-May). 

The session will be an opportunity to:

  • Hear about the design guidance led by researchers at Queen Mary University of London and LBTH, looking at the experience of women and girls in streets, parks and public spaces.
  • Find out how shaping places through a gender lens can help us design inclusive, healthy, child friendly, climate resilient places that are socially and economically prosperous.
  • Be part of the discussion about how local organisations can adopt and use the gender inclusive design guidance.
  • Find out how this work connects with other initiatives, including the Loneliness Connection Coalition and Sports Partnership Programme.


With presentations from: 

  • Jennie Savage, lead on the Gender Inclusive Design Policy research at LBTH.
  • Alison Blunt, lead on the collaborative project with community researchers at Queen Mary.
  • Local authority led projects such as the sports partnership.


For more information, email alison.robert@thcvs.org.uk.

Where's this event hosted?


Tower Hamlets CVS, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Rd, London, E2 9DA

Where it's happening:

Tower Hamlets CVS