Pilates (55+) with Nuffield Health

Booking information


Up to 15 people
02074052370 (opt. 1)


Online bookings via HCA will close at 12 noon the day before. When online bookings have closed, HCA members may drop in on the day and remaining places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

Pilates 55+ at Nuffield Health, Covent Garden 

Pilates helps to reshape your body and improve your posture, achieving the perfect balance between strength and flexibility.

Pilates can help relieve unwanted stress and tension. Its slow, controlled approach means that it gives much longer-term results and it is especially recommended by medical specialists for those with back problems.

Pilates classes at Nuffield Health are all about:

  • Muscle recruitment patterns
  • Correcting common muscle imbalances
  • Restoring alignment and natural movement

Where's this event hosted?


Nuffield Health Covent Garden, 9 endell street, WC2H 9SA

Where it's happening:

Nuffield Health Covent Garden