Action for Silk Stream - West Hendon Playing fields litter pick

Booking information


Up to 20 people


Join us for THE GREAT BRITISH SPRING CLEAN litter pick.

Where to meet: West Hendon Playing Fields Car Park NW9 7EZ (off Goldsmith Avenue)

What 3 words ///pets.salt.jump

  • We will be litter picking on the northern edge of the Welsh Harp reservoir where the Silk Stream ends it’s journey.

  • All equipment provided but wear wellies please.

  • Places are limited so please register your interest

  • Email us with any questions

Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please make sure you have weather appropriate clothing for the day.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about accessibility. We will do our best to make this event as accessible as possible.


Where's this event hosted?


Welsh Harp reservoir, NW9 7QQ

Where it's happening:

Welsh Harp reservoir