This activity is part of the programme.
Bring your ideas to life at Inspires South Tyneside Funding Fair 2024!
Are you a Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise Group/Organisation (VCSE) working in South Tyneside looking for funding?
Then come along to our annual Funding Fair to have the opportunity to discuss your needs with Grant-making Trusts and organisations face-to-face in an informal setting. A great opportunity to get to meet funders and discuss your organisation and project ideas.
Arrival and registration is from 9:45am for a prompt 10am start.
As with other Funding Fairs in the region, attendance is encouraged by appointment in order to ensure dedicated time with funders to discuss your project ideas. Therefore please take the opportunity to book dedicated one-to-one time with funders by emailing our funding officer detailing which funders/organisations you would like to speak to (for a detailed list with links to funders page please contact Inspire) or
Tel: 0191 456 9551
Mobile: 07702 813 3334
If you require a BSL interpreter please let us know in advance with enough time for us to organise interpreters. Our venue for this event, The Reception Room at South Shields Town Hall, is wheelchair accessible via a lift in the courtyard and there is parking nearby.
Confirmed Funders:
Note: Inspire is the voluntary sector infrastructure support organisation for South Tyneside. Free places at this event will be prioritised for VCSE organisations serving South Tyneside. Registrations from outside our area, and our sector, may therefore be declined.
Reception Room, Town Hall, NE33 2RL
Where it's happening:
Reception Room, Town Hall